What is SBIC Funding Corporation?

SBIC Funding Corporation is a not-for-profit corporation established in 1986 to provide an effective system of funding for Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs) through the private capital markets.

SBIC Funding Corporation serves as an agent for both the Small Business Administration (SBA) and SBICs in the SBIC debenture leverage process. SBIC Funding Corporation consults with the SBIC industry, monitors the financial markets, makes cost reduction recommendations to SBA, and assists in assuring that all regulatory requirements of the program are met. SBIC Funding Corporation formally proposed the creation of and helped to implement the Just-In-Time leverage funding process that has serviced the program for years.

SBIC Funding Corporation also reviews and evaluates, on a continuing basis, underwriting candidates for the SBIC program and manages the program’s debenture offerings for SBICs. This includes participation in the preparation of appropriate documentation, the acquisition of necessary regulatory clearances, and with SBA’s written approval, executing agreements for the purchase of the debentures and the issuance of the Debenture Certificates.

SBIC Funding Corporation’s mission also includes training and education to support and strengthen SBICs and the small businesses in which they invest. SBIC Funding Corporation has a long history of providing professional training to SBICs and their portfolio companies and partnering with academic institutions on original market research to help improve public understanding of and promote investment in the lower middle market and SBICs.